The Bastard Broadsword
Our first guest here is something for everyone who always
wanted to play a little bit of "Conan" in a game like Quake2: It's The Bastard
Broadsword! Your big disadvantage while using this little devil will be that you have to
get very close to your opponent, without getting killed....but once you're close enough
you'll be able to kill most enemies with a single swing! So don't think of the broadsword
as a kind of "Rambo"'s more for the thieves and sneakers
amongst us who like to get their unaware victims from behind! (But of course you can also
use it in a fit of attempted suicide running down the hallway towards a rocket
shooter....makes the whole thing even funnier.
Another feature: you now can do real swordfights with it. If an enemy swings with a sword
at you and you are also currently holding one of these, he only has a very little chance
to hit you. Most times you can manage to block his swing. But if you also attack at the
same time everybody of you two guys has a fifty percent chance to hit the other opponent.
Of course this only works if you are facing each other. Remember: your back is still
Additionally you can try to block and reflect "slow" flying projectiles like a
buzzsaw blade, hyperblaster shots or an arrow! |
Command for weapon class: |
Command for weapon |
bind 2 "cmd class2" Predefined key: "2" |
bind X "use bastard sword" Predefined key: none |
The Chainsaw
Like Slade from Telefragged already said: This "will
bring back memories of Texas Chainsaw Massacre." :) Looks like this
baby will get the award for the most extreme close combat weapon ever seen in a Quake2 mod
so far! Just use it like the's still very powerful, like the sword, but
has some disadvantages. First you only cut in the direction you're facing (and not through
your complete field of view like swinging the broadsword). And the second: Everyone hears
when you walk around with a running chainsaw ("pot-pot-pot-pot" :) so you
may want to forget about sneak'n'hide tactics! |
Command for weapon class: |
Command for weapon |
bind 2 "cmd class2" Predefined key: "2" |
bind X "use chainsaw" Predefined key: none |
The Explosive Super Shotgun
Not a new weapon, but a funny enhancement of an old one: Just
look out! This weapon, and it's ammo, is spread sparsely through the
levels, so use it wisely! Take the normal Shotgun-Shells and add explosive heads...voila!
Very useful to burn campers out of their holes. I could start crying every time I see
their confused faces when they realize that their dark hideout just became an exploding
inferno! Try it! Like it! BTW: Just a note for everyone who's wondering what
happened to the old Shotgun. I made a little opinion poll and it looks like no one is
really using this weapon. So, due to the fact that we want to keep the whole item
and weapon selection of chaos clear and not too overloaded, we just kicked it! Bye-bye! :) |
Command for weapon class: |
Command for weapon |
bind 3 "cmd class3" Predefined key: "3" |
bind X"use explosive super shotgun" Predefined key: none |
The Ancient Crossbow
For those guys who want that 'Medieval' feeling in this
high-tech game. Don't underestimate this little baby 'cause about three shots and your
unprotected enemy gets nailed! Great to use in combination with the telezoom! Ever get
those panic thoughts after hearing an arrow coming from nowhere crashing right above your
head into the wall? |
Command for weapon class: |
Command for weapon |
bind 4 "cmd class4" Predefined key: "4" |
bind X "use crossbow" Predefined key: none |
The Poison Crossbow
The extra kick! Causes the same damage as the normal ones but
if the opponent is hit he also gets poisoned for about 5 seconds making him an easier
target! |
Command for weapon class: |
Command for weapon |
bind 4 "cmd class4" Predefined key: "4" |
bind X "use poison crossbow" Predefined key: none |
The Explosive Crossbow
Like the name already says they're arrows with nice explosive
heads. These boys are rare....and extremely valuable! Silent and mighty...
...the dream of every sniper! Imagine a projectile which is even more dangerous than a
rocket but flies slower and leaves no smoke trail. I bet everyone who likes shoot &
hide tactics will love it! ;) |
Command for weapon class: |
Command for weapon |
bind 4 "cmd class4" Predefined key: "4" |
bind X "use explosive crossbow" Predefined key: none |